
You take a man and
put him in trouble and
his instinct to survive
will kick in.

He will do things he
never thought possible by
human hands in order
to live.

It's either them or you
so what do you do
but put to use
your education
and when you're finished up
what's left is a changed man
picked apart by his
who's only purpose is to

Bodies are there
hanging out to dry
whilst crying mothers
are going their
washing indoors.

Across the world is a man
far from home
and he would give anything
not to be there

Those who say they would not
kill will see
when their in the shit
and they go a bit
crazy and instinct
kicks in.

Be alive and
stay alive
through screwing.

Clap Clap

Clap Clap for the sun
Clap Clap for the seas
Clap Clap for the clouds
Clap Clap for the trees

Everything is Clap Clap
ha, ha, ha, Clap, Clap
We are having fun

Oh, look at me
look at my perfect life
look at this perfect world
Oh, ha, ha, oh, Clap, Clap

Look at me having a good time
I am so great
so good
the best.

I am above you
in the power struggle
of life.

Clap Clap.



Nobody waits for you,
a nobody waits to meet you
on the side of the street
showing her meat
waiting to meet a nobody
so she can fulfill her daily paycheck of satisfaction.

Pushing down the memories of a confused childhood
she wears a hood of shame
a hood that she would remove if she could
but confronting the past would be too much to bear
So it remains.

Legs on display
but we've been taught that it's okay
to abandon selfworth
and when we say hope or respect
it takes on an entirely new conrtext
when you've learned to expect something unreasonable

The next best option to take is to blame
and hide your shame
with an emotional cloak.

You will take her
and you will use her
and you will make her
more confused than ever
when you throw her
to The gutter.

Never knowing communication
one nobody and another nobody
tip the bucket over
it spills
paint drips from the street to the drains
and from the drains to the sea


Please dismiss my
actions I was
Even if it
sounded legit
it wasn't.

Please dismiss my
life I was
I meant what
I said but
you should

Please dismiss this
poem I was
over the moon
and looking for treasure
in a pursuit
of hedonism.