
Sequential chances denied today
the wishing well looms
and hope is cast away
back and forth
between gaps in the clouds
you'll come down
and I wont be proud
loud you'll fall
and quiet I'll stay
when the wishing well looms
and all hope is cast away
from all the sequential chances
denied today.

Feet hang, phone rings
identical stagnant strings
archaic volume




Your company
is no company
of mine.
I've been told
you sell (have sold)
a product that
I don't associate with.


Two dollars down on luck and
two in the bank.
I'll cut it quits but there is a reason,
I can't remember why,
but it calls,
no, no, no.

So the game,
as strange and lurid
as it is,
must continue beyond
any-body's wills.

It can only end two ways but
seeing as the house gets a cut
only one.
Get used to enjoying it.

Track marks on the tranny
don't mind me if
it got another offer
on the table.

But what you want;
the power-fuck-ball
is what you came for.

Throw the plan away
or follow it exactly.

It still isn't working
(and wont)
I'm still not working
(but might)
in order to restore

Things might become
a little more

Black Bear

Shadow Tounge

Lick the walls
to see if it makes
you as alive as
your shadow,
maybe not but
a scream of false sense
seems like nonsense
to an untrained ear
it blends in with
the other sounds
from out of bounds
that differ and waver
from the truth you know
as gospel.

It takes a lot of courage
to say
that things wont go
your way
because of the way
in which you
approach life has no depth
or consultation behind it.
You can call me out
if you think I'm full
of shit but I can find
more than one
person to back up
what I'm about.

A drawn out sigh draws
energy from an otherwise
inattentive collective.

It's not my fault you're
putrid and uncaring and
I can only try my best
to deal with it
but then what happens
when I can't?

You have the rest of
time to change and mature
so I suggest you start
now or else
somehow you will end
up like a shadow on
the wall, without
life and a complete
mimic, as you already